





各种因素都可以让选手在的腕力比赛中取得成功。技巧和手臂的整体力量是赢得腕力比赛的两个最大因素。其他因素,例如手的臂长,肌肉和手臂的质量/密度,手掌大小,手腕的耐力和柔韧性,反应时间以及无数其他特征,可增加赢得比赛的优势。它有时被用来证明谁是两个或两个以上的人谁强。根据世界腕力联盟(WAF)的规定,在腕力比赛中,两名运动员都要处于站立姿势,将他们的手臂放在比赛腕力桌子上,进行比赛。腕力比赛以选手体重来分量级,以及左和右手的分别。此外,还制定了严格的规则,例如对犯规者处以犯规(例如,比赛选手的手肘一直留在要保持在腕力桌上肘垫上的,因各种因素导致在比赛时手肘离开肘垫时,将给予一次犯规)。 在世界腕力联盟(WAF)是专业腕力世界公认的全球管理机构和包括80多个成员国。但是,由于与PAL / URPA相关的裁判和选手被标记判定“信誉不佳”,因此被WAF停赛


Start Date #1 Puller Defeated / (Ahead Of) Event Top Spot
February 11, 1961 美国 Duane “Tiny” Benedix California Wristwrestling Championship 364 days
February 10, 1962 美国 Earl Hagerman Duane “Tiny” Benedix World Wristwrestling Championship364 days
February 09, 1963 美国 Duane “Tiny” Benedix Earl Hagerman World Wristwrestling Championship 364 days
February 08, 1964 美国 Joe Schuler [a] Larry Cory World Wristwrestling Championship 1 year, 5 days
February 12, 1965 美国 Arnie Klein Joe Schuler World Wristwrestling Championship 1 years, 3 days
February, 1966 美国 Mike Rowe [b] Arnie Klein World Wristwrestling Championship 1 year, 87 days
May 13, 1967 美国 Larry Finley [a] [b] Randy Petrini World Wristwrestling Championship 278 days
February, 1968 美国 Duane “Tiny” Benedix [b] (Larry Finley) World Wristwrestling Championship 2 years, 90 days
May, 1970 美国 Jim Dolcini [a] [b] George Witteman World Wristwrestling Championship 364 days
August 06, 1966 美国 Lloyd Lampton [c] Arnie Klein IFAW World Championship 2 years, 41 days
September, 1968 美国 Maurice “Moe” Baker [a] [c] John Torch IFAW World Championship 2 years, 241 days
May 14, 1971 美国 Jim Dolcini Maurice “Moe” Baker World Wristwrestling Championship 1 year, 7 days
May 20, 1972 美国 Maurice “Moe” Baker Jim Dolcini World Wristwrestling Championship 364 days
May 19, 1973 美国 Bill Harrison(Maurice “Moe” Baker)World Wristwrestling Championship 364 days
May 18, 1974 美国 Jim Dolcini [a] George Ludwigsen WWC National Championship 2 years, 194 days
November 27, 1976 美国 Virgil Arciero Jim Dolcini WPAA World Championships 1 years, 353 days
November 15, 1978 美国 Cleve Dean Virgil Arciero Supermatch (Las Vegas, US) 1 years, 359 days
November 08, 1980 美国 Virgil Arciero Cleve Dean Supermatch (Las Vegas, US) 336 days
October 10, 1981 美国 Jeremiah Christian Virgil Arciero World Wristwrestling Championship 1 year
October 10, 1982 美国 Virgil Arciero [a] Cleve Dean AWI Pro Super Heavyweight World Championship 111 days
January 29, 1983 美国 Cleve Dean Virgil Arciero AWI Pro Super Heavyweight World Championship 3 years, 179 days
July 26, 1986 美国 Scott Norton Cleve Dean Over the Top World Championship 1 year
July 26, 1987 美国 John Brzenk [a] Ed Arnold / (Richard Lupkes) Over the Top World Championship 174 days
January 16, 1988 美国 Richard Lupkes John Brzenk Sands International 266 days
October 08, 1988 美国 John Brzenk Richard Lupkes World Wristwrestling Championship 189 days
April 15, 1989 美国 Richard Lupkes John Brzenk Can-Am Invitational (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) 1 year, 12 days
April 27, 1990 美国 John Brzenk Richard Lupkes Yukon Jack National Championship 253 days
January 05, 1991 加拿大 Gary Goodridge John Brzenk Super Bras de Fer (Paris, France) 204 days
July 28, 1991 美国 John Brzenk Gary Goodridge Yukon Jack National Championship 3 years, 30 days
August 26, 1994 美国 Cleve Dean Gary Goodridge / (John Brzenk) Yukon Jack National Championship 16 days
September 11, 1994 格鲁吉亚 Zaur Tskadadze Cleve Dean WAF World Championships 348 days
August 25, 1995 加拿大 Gary Goodridge Cleve Dean / (Zaur Tskadadze) Yukon Jack World Championship 2 years, 21 days
September 14, 1997 美国 John Brzenk [a] Ron Bath USAA National Pro-Am Championship 7 years, 6 days
September 18, 2004 美国 Ron Bath John Brzenk Strong Arm Calling 49 days
November 06, 2004 俄罗斯 Alexey Voevoda John Brzenk / (Ron Bath) Nemiroff World Cup 357 days
October 29, 2005 乌克兰 Andrey Pushkar [a] Andrey Antonov Nemiroff World Cup 35 days
December 03, 2005 乌兹别克斯坦 Farid Usmanov (Andrey Pushkar) WAF World Armwrestling Championships 140 days
April 22, 2006 美国 John Brzenk Farid Usmanov Ultimate Armwrestling III (Las Vegas, USA) 2 years, 145 days
September 13, 2008 加拿大 Devon Larratt John Brzenk Arm Wars “Deep Water” 4 years, 262 days
June 01, 2013 俄罗斯 Denis Cyplenkov [a] Andrey Pushkar A1 Russian Open World Armwrestling Grand Prix 1 year, 55 days
July 26, 2014 乌克兰 Andrey Pushkar Denis Cyplenkov A1 Russian Open World Armwrestling Grand Prix 4 years, 112 days
November 14, 2018 格鲁吉亚 Levan Saginashvili [a] Tsvetkov, Georgi WAF World Championship 1 year, 196 days


  • a Due to inactivity (12 months), injury or accident of previous dominant puller, the #1 spot is assumed by other one.
  • b Ranking based on Petaluma Results (1966-1971).
  • c Ranking based on IFAW Results (1966-1971).


Start Date #1 Puller Defeated / (Ahead Of) Event Top Spot
September, 1977 美国 John Woolsey Dean Christensen NAWA National Championships 2 years, 7 days
September 22, 1979 美国 Cleve Dean [a] World Wristwrestling Championship 7 years, 22 days
October 12, 1986 加拿大 Gary Goodridge [a] (Canada) 1 year, 131 days
February 20, 1988 加拿大 Garvin Lewis Gary Goodridge Ontario Provincial Championships 2 years, 243 days
October 20, 1990 加拿大 Gary Goodridge Garvin Lewis Canadian Stand-Up National Championships 1 year, 237 days
June 13, 1992 加拿大 Steve Morneau (Gary Goodridge), (Garvin Lewis) Gloucester Fair International Armwrestling Championship 364 days
June 12, 1993 加拿大 Gary Goodridge Steve Morneau Gloucester Fair International Armwrestling Championship 364 days
June 11, 1994 加拿大 Steve Morneau Gary Goodridge Gloucester Fair International Armwrestling Championship 364 days
June 10, 1995 加拿大 Garvin Lewis (Steve Morneau), (Gary Goodridge) Gloucester Fair International Armwrestling Championship 1 year, 364 days
June 08, 1997 美国 Eric Woelfel [a] Mairbek Gioev Golden Bear International Tournament (Russia) 180 days
December 05, 1997 俄罗斯 Alan Karaev Eric Woelfel WAF World Championship (India) 337 days
November 07, 1998 格鲁吉亚 Vakhtang Javakhadze Alan Karaev WAF World Championship (Egypt) 264 days
July 29, 1999 格鲁吉亚 Erekle Gurchiani Vakhtang Javakhadze European Armwrestling Championships 1 year, 1 day
July 29, 2000 俄罗斯 Alan Karaev [a] Vakhtang Javakhadze World Armsport Championship 65 days
October 02, 2000 加拿大 Len Houghton Earl Wilson Canadian Nationals 336 days
September 03, 2001 美国 Dan Victor [a] (Earl Wilson) Harley Pull 230 days
April 21, 2002 俄罗斯 Alan Karaev [a] Cleve Dean World Armsport Federation World Championship 165 days
October 03, 2002 美国 Christian Binnie [a] Eric Woelfel Harley Pull 65 days
December 07, 2002 美国 Travis Bagent Christian Binnie All-Niagara Armwrestling Championship 35 days
January 11, 2003 美国 Christian Binnie Travis Bagent Reno Reunion Armwrestling Championship 140 days
May 31, 2003 美国 Travis Bagent Christian Binnie AAA Nationals 1 year, 300 days
March 26, 2005 美国 Earl Wilson Sylvain Perron / (Devon Larrat) Mike Gould Classic 364 days
March 25, 2006 美国 Travis Bagent Earl Wilson Mike Gould Classic 4 years, 264 days
December 13, 2010 加拿大 Devon Larratt Travis Bagent Supermatch - Arm Wars “Sin City” (Las Vegas, US) 64 days
February 15, 2011 美国 Travis Bagent Devon Larratt Supermatch - UAL Backyard Brawl 241 days
October 14, 2011 乌克兰 Andrey Pushkar Travis Bagent Nemiroff World Cup 258 days
June 28, 2012 加拿大 Devon Larratt Andrey Pushkar Supermatch - PAL Armfight 42 (Las Vegas, US) 2 years, 119 days
October 25, 2014 美国 Travis Bagent Devon Larratt World Armwrestling League Atlantic City Qualifier 3 years, 240 days
June 21, 2018 乌克兰 Oleg Zhokh [a] Andrey Pushkar Lviv Open Cup 146 days
November 14, 2018 格鲁吉亚 Levan Saginashvili [a] Osmanli, Ferit WAF World Championship 1 year, 196 days

